The amazing thing about people's willingness to get led like sheep into the fold of someone's divine prophecies is that if they were even halfway familiar with the Bible, they would know it says (loosely quoted) 'we do not know the day nor the hour' and 'do not put your faith in false prophets'. That's just info I remember from having the Bible thrown in my face for my entire upbringing. People are so ignorant of their own religion that they are killing themselves or giving away their entire savings to a cult leader.
I had joked that the rapture really DID happen on May 21st. That was before Camping turned around and said 'Oh, it was a spiritual judgment.' My reason... there is not a good person on this earth... THAT'S why no one was raptured! HA! And he can't go ahead and reclaim October 21st as the new date b/c that's the date he originally said the Earth would destroy all of us sinners! So guess what Camping, that means YOU!! mwahahahah
I mean, how can anyone be so blind as to put their faith in this man? False prediction in 1994 and another now. He really is an amazing creature, if you think about it. He can actually fool people into believing he is able to understand religious texts that have been translated numerous times and outsmart the Creator, who says IN THE TEXT, that man cannot divine the date. Really, I'm about ready to create my own cult. Seems pretty lucrative!
And as far as the date of destruction that the Mayan calander predicts... I think they just were lazy and were like, 'Okay enough with this calander crap. We probably won't be around anyway b/c white people will have killed us all.'
What does it matter if the supposed 'Rapture' or end of the world comes in five minutes, five days, five years or five centuries from now? We as humans can only do so much to convince ourselves that we have done all we can to ascend to a higher level if and when the time comes.
And me... my cult is gonna have dance parties. And glow sticks. And yes, Captain Morgan. And an all you can eat buffet. So suck it Harold Camping, my Rapture is gonna be better than yours! Heading to the Dance Party in the Sky.... leaving behind the 'faithfools' (phrase of my creation, indeedery doo!)
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